About Me

So i am “lwalinux” and i have been involved with computers as far back as I can remember… This to me is evergreen and always continuing to grow and develop into something special, we are at a stage now where everybody can take advantage of current technologies and use it to enrich our lives for the better…

Debian and Ubuntu Linux…

Debian Vs Ubuntu Featured

Canonical, the company and subsequent creators behind Ubuntu Linux and its software releases took shape in the late 1990s and started a wide and controversial opensource project and continued to develop what we know as “Ubuntu” but formally “GNU-Linux” under its open-source guise, Ubuntu is a Nguni Bantu term meaning “humanity”. It is sometimes translated as “I am because we are”, or “humanity towards others” open-source software for all where contributors and developers held together by a community spirit and one-mindedness is truly an inspiring project to be involved with.

Ubuntu-Touch.io A mobile version of the Ubuntu Operating System

I come from a background of early computing when in the earlier years computers & processors had not quite reached their potential, just as when the internet was born these technologies needed time to grow. I have enjoyed watching the transformation of software development and hardware technologies fast forward into what we have today, and for that same reason i have always had a passion for technology, wearable tech, computers, smart phones and the software languages which make this all possible.

So, where do I fit into all this…? I have followed many roads…and gone down many paths in search of software development, creativity, design with many software platforms such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, Windows Phone, Android, iOS, MacOS and have always found myself coming back to the Open-Source community spirit of creativity and mindfulness.

The Ubuntu Touch Apps

Ubuntu Touch offers everything you need. All kinds of applications are available. Apps for communication, messaging, music, administration, navigation, tools, games and a lot more.  

Ubuntu Touch comes pre-installed with a set of important and solid core apps that cover your daily needs. This includes everything you expect from a phone, like a dialer, contacts and calendar, but since it’s Linux family, the OS comes with a fully-featured file browser and terminal (including essential command-line applications) as well.

I myself have been using Microsoft, Mac Os, Chrome Os and Linux over a number of years now however, i still treat tech with kids gloves and look forward to learning new approaches to solve problems, seeing as software has become much more advanced we are able now to create things more creatively. More developments are happening as we speak… Software engineers & developers alike are playing important roles in our digital lives and the future is most definitely bright…

What are my thoughts…?

I think Linux in itself is in a really good place as this open-source architecture empowers everything around us… My current flavour of Distribution is Fedora/Silverblue immutable OS + Workstation spins with the latest Gnome 41 conception which is always improving, and I find myself joining the many and the few on this evergreen journey into software architecture.

Ubuntu has continued its support and with that so many more amazing distributions has emerged from the community-minded spirit of developers, testers, contributors and the like in 2021…

Linux: freedom, first, friends, features

by lwalinux 24.10.2019

What People Say

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney

It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

J. K. Rowling

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

Dr. Seuss

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